Attention Bergman Alumni, We need your help! The scholarship fund is almost depleted, and graduation time is quickly approaching! If you would like to donate to the Bergman Alumni Association Scholarship Fund please send a check to our Treasurer, Donita (Whitney) Powers 228 Winding Hills Rd Harrison, AR 72601. Usually, only one $250.00 scholarship is given per year, but if more funds become available that number could be adjusted. In 1984, I received a small scholarship from a local business and it literally helped change the course of my life! Thanks so much for your help, Sarah Alexander, Superintendent Bergman School District
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Bergman Alumni
Fine Arts Night April 21
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Fine Arts Night 2022
SENIORS & Parents - Read this for more information about end of the year updates.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Senior parent letter
Kindergarten Registration for 2022-2023 School Year
almost 3 years ago, Kelsey McGarrah
Kindergarten Registration
Order your State Champion shirt thru MARCH 31st! Order forms will be sent home in Elementary folders and available for pick up in the Middle & High School offices.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
State Champ Shirt 2022
Lady Panther State Champs 2022
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Lady Panther State Champs 2022
Bergman School was notified by the Boone County Sherriff's office that there was a person they were pursuing on foot somewhere in the York Drive area. All three schools sheltered in place until we were given the go ahead to release the students for the day.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Mitchell Archer
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Mitchell Archer
Archery Team @ State
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Archery Team @ State
Our senior girls have made it to the final four in the state tournament. We will not have school tomorrow, Monday, March 7 in order to let everyone attend the game that wants to. No AMI work. We will make this day up on May 26th. A pep bus will leave school at 11:45 am for 7th - 12th graders. Admission for students on the pep bus will be paid for by the Booster Club.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Both Bergman Sr. Teams make it to the 3A-1 District finals! Girls play Friday @5:30pm @Bergman & Boys play Saturday @6p @Elkins.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
District Bracket 2022
Covid Update 2.9.22
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 2.9.22
Covid Update 2.1.22
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 2.1.22
Covid Update 1.31.22
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 1.31.22
Covid Update 1.28.22
almost 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 1.28.22
The Bergman High School Chapter of the National Honor Society held their induction ceremony on 1-25-2022 and inducted 11 new members. Congratulations!
about 3 years ago, Lisa Davis
BHS National Honor Society
Covid Update 1.26.22
about 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 1.26.22
Covid Update 1.24.22
about 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 1.24.22
Banking Program of Study approval
about 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Banking Program of Study approval
Covid Update 1.21.22
about 3 years ago, Amy Curtis
Covid Update 1.21.22